I tend to view Satan as Jehovah's shadow. Clearly this Jehovah character dreamed up during the Bronze age has a huge shadow in his unconscious due to denial and a huge ego complex as well as an over compensating inferiority complex. Jehovah has a massive power drive and anybody who questions him or doesn't give him abject obedience he projects his own evil, which he is in denial of, upon that person and makes them justifiable fair game for his cruel wrathful punishment and death(don't dare pick up sticks to make a fire on Saturday the penalty is death according to ancient biblical Jehovah).
Satan is a scapegoat which Jehovah can hang all his evil hidden(through denial) in his personal shadow on. I think the book of Job gives us a clear view of Jehovah's insanity and megalomania as well as other personality flaws which was responsible for Job's intense suffering.